Nefertiti lift

Redefine the jaw and soften the neckline

Named after Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, the lift is designed to redefine the jaw and soften the neckline for a revitalising effect that presents smoother skin without the need for a drawn-out, disruptive procedure. It’s the ideal non-surgical solution for those who qualify for anti-wrinkle injections.

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Nefertiti lift

Frequently asked questions

The nefertiti lift technique consists of a series of anti-wrinkle injections carefully and precisely administered in two areas:

  • Along the lower jaw line
  • Into the neck area muscles

The injections are carefully administered in the neck and jawline to provide an uplifting effect to the area, as the muscles are relaxed there is an upward pull which reduces saggy skin making it tighter and tauter.

  • Those with a jawline that lacks definition
  • Those with a wrinkly, saggy neck area
  • Those with loose jowls
  • Those who have lost weight in the face, causing a generalised sagging
  • Those that tend to tense the neck, making the area appear more aged
More anti-wrinkle injection FAQs