About the Condition
Discover effective treatments to lift drooping mouth corners
Drooping mouth corners occur when the edges of the lips naturally turn downward, creating a sad or tired appearance even when your face is relaxed. This condition is commonly caused by overactive depressor muscles at the sides of the mouth, combined with a loss of collagen and elastin in the surrounding skin. The result is sagging tissue and a downturned look that can impact facial balance and self-confidence.
Whether you’re looking to correct the appearance of drooping mouth corners or prevent further sagging, Smooth Dimensions offers tailored treatments to restore a lifted, more youthful look.
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See transformative results from treating drooping mouth corners
Condition Causes
Common causes for drooping mouth corners
Drooping mouth corners are typically caused by the overactivity of the depressor anguli oris (DAO) muscles, which pull the sides of the mouth downward. Over time, this muscular activity, combined with the natural ageing process, leads to sagging tissue and a downturned appearance. Other contributing factors include the loss of collagen and elastin, which reduces skin elasticity, and external factors such as sun damage and smoking, which can accelerate the ageing process. Genetics may also play a role in the early onset of this condition.
Understanding the causes of drooping mouth corners can help in choosing the most effective treatments to restore balance and lift.
Condition Treatment
How to treat drooping mouth corners
Drooping mouth corners can affect facial symmetry and expressions, but there are effective treatments available to lift and restore a more balanced appearance. At Smooth Dimensions, we offer personalised treatment plans designed to address your specific concerns. A consultation is required to determine the best solutions for you. Possible treatments include:
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