About the Condition
Discover effective treatments to firm sagging skin
Sagging skin is characterised by a noticeable loss of tightness and definition, typically appearing around the face, neck, or other areas of the body. This condition is largely a result of diminished collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid levels, which are vital for maintaining a taut, youthful complexion. Ageing, sun exposure, lifestyle habits, and significant weight changes can all accelerate the onset of skin laxity.
Whether you’re experiencing mild laxity or more advanced sagging, Smooth Dimensions offers a range of customised treatment options designed to tighten, lift, and rejuvenate your skin.
Treatment Gallery
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Condition Causes
Common causes for sagging skin
Sagging skin is primarily caused by the natural ageing process, which reduces collagen and elastin production, making it harder for the skin to resist gravity’s pull. Factors such as prolonged sun exposure break down skin-supporting structures at an accelerated rate. Significant weight loss can also contribute to loose or excess skin, while lifestyle factors like smoking and inadequate skincare may further compromise skin integrity. Genetics can play a role in determining how early and severely sagging occurs.
Understanding these causes helps in selecting the most effective strategies to restore firmness and definition.
Condition Treatment
How to treat sagging skin
Sagging skin can be effectively addressed through treatments that target collagen stimulation, volume restoration, and overall skin health. At Smooth Dimensions, we develop personalised treatment plans based on your specific needs and goals. A consultation is essential to determine the most suitable approach. Possible treatments include: